ISO 14001

The goal of GALWAY SPORT SRL is to be a green company by applying modern technologies regarding the protection of the environment and also ensuring a safe and adequate working environment for the company's staff.
General objectives in the field of environmental protection:
- The application of advanced technologies that contribute to the protection of the environment and the prevention of pollution,
- Compliance with applicable compliance and regulatory obligations regarding identified environmental issues, etc.
- Continuous improvement of environmental performance by:
· Prevention of environmental pollution and ecological accidents;
· Improving the performance indicators for the monitored environmental factors;
· Conservation of natural resources, reduction of unjustified energy, water and gas consumption;
· Reduction of the quantities of waste produced by the correct and efficient use of the products;
· Correct and efficient management of generated waste;
· Involvement and awareness of employees regarding the observance of good practices regarding the environmental protection applicable according to the field of activity;
· Sustainable development without jeopardizing the right to a clean environment of future generations;
· Prevention of accidental pollution of soil, air and water by following the procedures and the Plan for the prevention and control of accidental pollution.
The administrator of GALWAY SPORT SRL expresses its firm commitment to:
• fulfilling the policy regarding the protection of the environment and ensuring adequate working conditions by ensuring the necessary resources as well as the involvement and awareness of the staff and collaborators;
• compliance with the compliance obligations assumed;
• environmental protection, including pollution prevention and other commitments relevant to the context of the organization;
• compliance with and full application of the provisions of the procedures, work instructions and all other environmental documents, which are mandatory for all staff and for personnel performing work under the control of the organization;
• continuous improvement of the Environmental Management System in order to increase environmental performance;
• facilitating continuous learning and improvement processes at the organizational level.
The Environmental Management Representative is directly responsible for ensuring the operation and continuous improvement of the Environmental Management System implemented within the organization.

SA 8000

The management of S.C. GALWAY SPORT LLC has become aware that the social responsibility and the working conditions are of a fundamental importance for the development of the organization, together with the compliance with the national and international laws regarding labor conditions and personnel, this being the responsibility of every employee of the organization and also of the entire community.
Given the above, and also the management intention to prove that the customer satisfaction and the ethical behavior in business should be done without neglecting the rights, needs and expectations of the employees and of the community, it was taken the decision to implement a management system in accordance with the requirements of SA 8000:2014 standard.
To achieve the above, the organization's management commits itself:
- To provide all the necessary resources for the proper implementation of the management system;
- To comply with all the requirements of this standard regarding:
- Child labor - to ensure that no child labor is used by the organization and by the suppliers and that will be created special working conditions for the under-aged personnel, to ensure their protection.
- Forced and compulsory labor - avoiding the use of forced and compulsory labor in any of its form.
- Health and Safety - ensuring a safe and healthy work environment without danger of injury or
professional diseases. - Freedom of association and the right to collective negotiation - respecting the right of forming or membership to unions and collective negotiation structures.
- Discrimination – prohibiting discrimination in all its forms at the workplace.
- Disciplinary Practices - prohibiting the use of corporal punishment, of mental or verbal abuse.
- Work Timetable – compliance with applicable laws and with industry standards.
- Remuneration - providing salaries that meet the legal requirements and the specific industry standards and that are sufficient to meet the minimum standard of living of the employees and their families.
- To comply with the national legislation and other applicable laws or requirements for which the company subscribes, and to follow other international instruments and their interpretation provided in the SA 8000;
- To regularly analyze the policy and the performance of the system to ensure the continuous improvement, taking into account the changes in legislation, its own code of conduct, and any other requirements of the organization;
- To ensure that the policy is implemented, maintained, communicated and accessible to all the personnel working for or on its behalf;
- To allow the realization of announced and unannounced audits and to make available all the reasonable information to prove compliance with the requirements of SA 8000 for the certification;
- To use suppliers that meet the requirements of this standard;
The policy will be made available upon request of interested parties.
The entire staff of the organization has the obligation to actively involve itself in the achievement of all the commitments made under this policy.

ISO 9001

S.C. GALWAY SPORT LLC, is a competent, open, customer-oriented company, with the activity field:
- Manufacture of footwear.
For us, the quality of the products made is very important and for this reason we respect the following principles:
- satisfy and make loyal our clients by identifying and respecting your requirements;
- collaboration and partnership relationships with suppliers based on trust and promptitude;
- keeping the quality of finished products through collaboration with constant suppliers;
- professionalism of our employees by keeping the team spirit, commitment, dynamism, availability and periodic training.
We have proposed the implementation of the Quality Management System for the continuous improvement of the products and for providing a safe and efficient working environment by:
- permanent satisfaction of the customer’s demands and expectations of relevant QMS stakeholders;
- continuous adaptation of the products to the customers requirements;
- occupational injury and illness prevention by providing a safe working environment;
- compliance with legal requirements and other requirements applicable according to the field of certification;
- continuous improvement of the working conditions and environment;
- continuous involvement and training of our employees;
- continuous improvement of the implemented QMS.
The quality needs management, concerns and trains all personnel of SC GALWAY SPORT LLC.
Any member of the company should be directed to the attention to quality and health, and the work safety is an organizational ethics, a part of the culture of the organization. The company staff is encouraged in its professional development through continuous training and information, to maintain the professional standards.
The statement is available to the interested parties at the organization headquarters and in shops.
To ensure the implementation of the appropriate processes which should ensure the fulfillment of the customer requirements and of other interested parties, and to be achieved the QMS objectives, the highest level management commits itself to provide resources and to review annually the integrated management system.